Ways to Practice Self Care

Ways to Practice Self Care

Hola mis amores! I realized that I’ve been talking about mental health topics for almost a year and I’ve never taken the time to talk about self care! Self care is an activity we embrace in order to care for our mental, emotional and physical self.  There are many ways to practice self care. If you were to ask me what self care was 5 years ago I would have said going shopping and getting my nails did lol. Although self care can incorporate these two things, self care is not consumerism, it’s much deeper than that. Here are some ways to practice self care. 

9 Self Care Tips:

Get Enough Sleep

Firstly, self care means caring for yourself in a mental, emotional and physical way. Getting enough sleep is a way to care for yourself. Many people (myself included), can get caught up in life and do not prioritize sleep. Prioritizing sleep will not only improve your health, but will also reduce stress and anxiety. When you get enough sleep, you’re also able to perform better. Whether your an artist, writer, engineer or athlete, sleep is important to improving mood, performance and creativity. 

Treat Your Body Right

Self care means not only treating our minds right, but treating our body right as well. Being active is a key part of improving both physical and mental health. I don’t mean to say that you need to go for a 10 mile run or do a strict workout, but moving your body will help improve endorphin levels which make you feel better. Trying new ways to move your body can also be fun and rewarding to know that you are good at new things.

Go for a walk in a gorgeous neighborhood, go for a hike and if you’re feeling adventurous try that self-defense class you’ve been meaning to try. 

Say “No” to anyone who disturbs your peace (Great Self Care Tip)

Drawing boundaries and learning to say “no” to people is really important to preserve your emotional and mental health. Some people are toxic AF and it’s important to not let these people disturb your peace. Whether that means reducing the time you spend with them, drawing other boundaries or straight up cutting them out of your life – your mental health is more important than anyone’s opinion about you. You do you girl. 


Pencil in YOU Time

Everyone gets busy in life, regardless of what you have going on, you should always make time for yourself. For example, I like to start my mornings by spending time with myself. I also make it a habit to schedule in my evening tea time with myself. Normally, I have tea and read, other times I’ll journal. Aveces, I’ll even do a smudge cleanse or pamper myself in a much needed luxurious bath. Pick a calming activity and schedule it into your day.

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Treat Yourself by doing the things that make you happy

Additionally, take some time to think about the meaningful moments in your life. Ask yourself, who were you with, what were you doing, where were you? Find out what brings you happiness, and do those activities more often. It could be anything: reading, writing, learning the guitar, hiking, yoga or painting. We all have activities that we enjoy doing, but when we get so busy, we forget about them. 

Surround Yourself with People Who Treat You Right and Care About You (Another under estimated Self Care tip)

My mom has a saying that I love! Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres. In other words, “tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are”. Who we surround ourselves with can influence our mood, for the better or worse. Self care also involves caring for our mental and emotional selves. It’s important to have people in your life who care about you, treat you right and are good influences. 

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and want to see you succeed! Surround yourself with people who push you to be your best self and hold you accountable. Make sure to have people in your life that focus on your progress instead of those who get enjoyment from scrutinizing your failures. Any friend who enjoys watching you fail is not a friend. Re-read the “Say ‘No’ to Anyone Who Disturbs Your Peace” again. 

Cook For Yourself

Another great way to practice self care is cooking for yourself. Spending that quality time with yourself is important. We should all be comfortable spending quality time with ourselves. 

Maybe you live alone and cook for yourself all the time, take yourself out for a nice dinner. Take a good book with you and treat yourself. Create more moments to celebrate you. 

Create a Loving and Welcoming Environment

Equally important, creating a positive environment is a great way to practice self care. I LOVE plants, so I keep my home full of plants. I also enjoy taking time out of my day to care for them. Whatever it is that brings you peace, incorporate those things into your living space. I enjoy candles and incense as well. Something as simple as having a clean organized space also brings me peace. Minimalism helps me create a loving and welcoming environment for myself. 


Last but not least, journaling is a healthy way to express ourselves when we are overwhelmed with emotions or stress. It has many benefits and is a great self care tool to improve mental and emotional health. It’s also a great place to practice self-compassion, affirmations and reduce negative thoughts.  If you don’t know where to start, check out my blog post on how to journal

We also have journals in our shop if you need some inspiration! 

Dale tiemp al tiempo journal - pink -blue

Practice Self Care

What are some ways that you practice self care? For moreself care practices, check out VeryWellMind for self care practices for every aspect of your life

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