Positive Affirmations Phone Wallpaper

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positive affirmations phone wallpaper

I love using positive affirmations phone wallpaper! They are a tiny life hack that help me start my day with positive self-dialogue. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool to stay strong during tough times. Not only do they help create positive self-dialogue, but they are also a great way to practice self-compassion. We are good at reminding our friends and family how amazing they are, but sometimes we forget to do it for ourselves. 

At first, it may seem weird saying positive affirmations to yourself. I know I had a hard time believing some of the positive things I’d try to tell myself, but trust me when I say, it gets easier with time.  Not only that, but after while, you start believing it too. 

To start, find some quiet time in your schedule (preferably at sometime early in the day). Then, tell yourself something positive about yourself. Highlight a quality that you love about yourself. Don’t just say it, really try to embody it. If this is a little too much for you, don’t worry there are others ways t do this.

Placement is Key

Instead, write yourself positive affirmations on sticky notes and place them in places you will see them. Some good places to leave these notes include, the bathroom mirror, vanity mirror, in your journal, on the refrigerator, etc. Another type of note would be a digital note.

The best placement for these notes may be on your phone. Placing positive affirmations phone wallpapers on your lock screen might be the best reminder, since we all check our phones a lot more often then we’d like to admit.

To anyone who needs to hear it:

  • You are amazing
  • You are Strong
  • You will get through this.

Click & save these dope positive affirmations phone wallpaper to remind yourself that you deserve good things.  


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